Teaching and Learning
12 mai, 2021
In the three months leading up to the distribution of the COVID-19 Goody Bags, the youth learned about children’s rights and children’s rights values by actively participating in various virtual activities and discussions. The following sample activities were adopted and adapted from the Equitas Building Inclusive Communities Guide and Speaking Rights Toolkit for remote learning.
What Are Children’s Rights?
In this activity, the youth discussed what a person needs to grow up happy and healthy. The youth learned to identify the difference between wants and needs, and make connections between needs and children's rights.
The Solutions Tree
In this activity, the youth discussed the topic “inclusion in the community”. They identified and learned about some underlying causes of exclusion (roots), strategies for promoting inclusion (branches), and positive outcomes of inclusion (leaves).
What Do Rights Look Like in Your Community?
In this activity, the youth discussed places in their community where they could go to practice their rights. They talked about:
-Home = the right to a home
-Community centre = the right to participate in cultural and community life
-Mosque = the right to a religion
-Hospital = the right to medical care
-Library and school = the right to education, the right to information
-Police station = the right to safety
-Supermarket = the right to healthy food
Not only did these activities lay the foundation for a positive and inclusive learning environment, but they also motivated the youth to explore and investigate issues in their community, create a Community Action Project to ameliorate a specific issue in their community, and collaborate with decision-makers in their community to accomplish their goals.